
Food Coma

It was one huge meal. There was (of course) turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes...and brussels sprouts, biscuits, yams. And it's just not completed with some Asian cuisine: stir-fry rice noodles, seafood pancake, marinated ribs..etc.
Dessert consisted of two pies, carrot cake, ice cream if you wanted and fruits. 
I probably missed some things too. There was just so much I wanted to eat it all up. But let's be realistic. 

A lot of leftovers were split and taken home. There goes my meals for the next few days :)

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!


ILoveChocolateee! said...

sounds like a very delicious meal!

Aya said...

Oh man, that sounds intense! I forgot to take the pictures of food before I ate but we didn't really have much. In fact, there were no leftovers. XD Except for pie!