
Tagged and tagging

by Lai Ying
1. What is your current phone?
A Nokia, it's charging and I'm too lazy to check the model number.
2. How much money is in your purse/wallet?
3. Who was your first blog follower?
myself...LOL. and then my friend Cindy came along. :)
4. If you could move to any country, right now, without restrictions - which country would that be?
In a traditional apartment in Japan. Or Hong Kong. 
5. Cosy warm tea at home, or facing the cold to get a frothy double shot mint chocolate fluffy creamy with sprinkley stuff coffee latte mocha drink from Starbucks?
Cosy warm MILK tea at home.
6. Would you prefer a girl/guy who can dance, or one that can sing?
A guy who can dance. 
7. What is your door number?
8. Do you like hand sanitizer? :P
Yea, I carry it in my bag always. 
Answer my 8 questions! And pass it on!
1. Are you eating right now?
2. What is on your desk at the moment?
3. What programs are open on your computer?
4. Coffee or Tea?
5. What's the temperature outside right now?
6. Do you have a favorite typeface?
7. Are you gonna go outside today?
8. How are you feeling?

And I'm tagging anyone who wants to participate!


Aya said...

Haha, a guy who can dance gets two thumbs up!

And woot woot for Japan!

Leanne Lai Ying said...

:) wooooooooop!

i wanna answer your qs!

1. no
not using my desk ;)
3. firefox and msn messenger
4. coffee!
5. 16degrees C
6. as in font? i like jane austen. :D
7. i went out earlier.
8. tired. :D