
Half-off Frap Week(end)

127/365 - Half-off Frap Day
Originally uploaded by wiwi_an
From May 7 - 16 Starbucks is promoting their new customizable Frappucino by having a Happy Hour! Between 2-5pm, you can get a frappucino half off and also customize it any way you want.

All this customizability(?) is drawing customers...but honestly, I wouldn't wanna go through the details of ordering a drink. I once helped a friend get a "Grande Iced Soy Latte" (see, i don't even remember it anymore) and I had trouble keeping it in my head so it had to be written down.
I don't know how the employees can remember so much. I would fail.

As far as I know, this is within the US. But check their site!
What's your flavor? (MOCHA!)


Alexis said...

I love Starbucks!
And I agree with you on customizing a drink haha. =P
I would forget.

Aya said...

This is anywhere in any starbucks?

I wouldn't know what to get with all those options. But hmmmmm, maybe something fruity? That seems to never fail me.

Leanne Lai Ying said...