
my website

not related to food, I thought to save your tastebuds for a day

I welcome anyone to check out my portfolio site!
I've been working on it for awhile now, and have enough things to show. I need to take some web design class to make the layout of the site better. I gladly accept any advice and critiques on how to make the site and my works better. :)


hana.k said...

I really enjoyed looking through your work! My favorite is the blonote. Love the half-empty vs. full!
I like that your site is very clean and easy to navigate, but it is very plain. Incorporate some text in the background with some punches of color or turn the website background into a little mini project itself? I think that's all it needs to look really great. :D

Anonymous said...

Your portfolio was a good read. :P) Keep it up, Viv.