
La Carbonara

Had Italian with my cousin and cousin-in law yesterday for dinner. I've been eating so much asian food it was great to have something entirely different for once. 
Appetizer: Eggplants baked with mozzarella, basil and tomato
I read from Yelp reviews that it was good so I ordered one myself. They put the mozzarella under each layer of eggplant. You couldn't really taste the eggplant because the basil and tomato was strong. But it was just right for me. 
Main Course: Spaghetti Carbonara - Pancetta, eggs, and Romano cheese
I didn't realize there were eggs in it. I guess it was mixed in raw with the cheese to have a creamy but not watery sauce. The taste was delicious, the pasta and cheese sauce was not that salty and it balanced with the Pancetta (salty and fatty yum). 

My mistake in ordering was that both dishes had cheese in it and it made me very full. I should've opted for a different appetizer or a soup.

We finished off the meal with cappuccino/coffee and shared a Creme Brulee. :)

Overall it was a great experience. I don't get to eat Italian much and it was delicious. I came out the restaurant with a biggg bellyy teehee.


Analyn Grace said...

Take me with you on your food adventures! xD

ILoveChocolateee! said...

Mmm pasta is always good ^^
I <3 cheese haha

ILoveChocolateee! said...
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Sandy a la Mode said...

oh wow, these look soo delicious!!! :D


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Instead of just posting pictures of your food, do you maybe want to just send the actually food to me?! OKAY THANK YOU.

Italian food is my faaaav.