

it's Russian for watermelon. Why watermelons in a fro-yo place I don't know. But we were in a Russian dominant place @ Bklyn.
Pinkyberry wanna-be much?

they have a wide variety of desserts. There's fro-yo, coffee, smoothies, pastries  and CREPES.
I don't eat crepes much out because they're usually overpriced. My friend told me she's had better.
We got a nutella + strawberry crepe and tomato + baby spinach + mozarella savory crepe. Although they were pricey, they were delicious. It's a great place to stop by once in awhile to curb your sweet tooth (why couldn't it be in my area?!).
Customer service was very good, the boss introduced the menu, and took our orders. Instead of disposable plates, we got crepes on some neat plates & utensils.

1 comment:

ILoveChocolateee! said...

Looks good! Some dessert places are so expensive :(